Underground car park ventilation with lamella type L.050HF
Underground garage ventilation with the Renson lamella L.050.HF
The lamella provides natural ventilation and prevents the penetration of leaves
The roof hood is visually very nicely integrated into the surrounding landscape.
Exceptional underground garage ventilation with the L.050HF lamella and green roof hood
We all know how important it is to efficiently ventilate an underground garage to create a healthy and safe indoor climate. In today's blog post we would like to present an innovative solution: An underground garage ventilation system implemented with Renson's L.050HF louvre and a green roof canopy. This construction combines functionality with aesthetics and is an example of modern building craftsmanship.
Technical details of the lamella L.050HF
efore we look at the overall concept, let's take a closer look at the technical data of the L.050HF slat:
– MaterialExtruded aluminum
– Profile height: 50,0 mm
– Tread depth: 41.0 mm
– Overlap: 50,0 mm
– Average slat inclination: 51°
– Moment of inertiaIy = 45.058 mm⁴ (strong axis line); Iz = 941 mm⁴
– Coefficient of frictionCfy: 1.21 (horizontal), Cfz: 0.85 (vertical)
– Free cross sectionOptical 70%, physical 60%
– Resistance coefficient (K-factor): 8,03
Functionality of the L.050HF
Thanks to the constructive design and vertical (lateral) air supply, the functionality of the underlying ventilation system remains guaranteed even in case of heavy foliage or snowfall
Aesthetics and integration
The roof hood system is intended for later greening. This integrates the underground car park ventilation system visually very nicely into the surrounding landscape.
The design effectively prevents entry into the facility and associated fall hazards.
Cost savings
The design minimizes maintenance and the need to remove weather influences such as snow and leaves. This leads to a reduction in operating costs in the long term.
The combination of Renson's L.050HF louvre with a justified roof canopy system provides a versatile, efficient and aesthetically pleasing solution for venting underground garages. It is a prime example of modern engineering and shows how functionality, safety and aesthetics can be combined in one system.
For questions or more information, please feel free to contact us at [info@rotec-berlin.de].
Quality assurance
This blog post was written according to the quality standards of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, DIN EN 1090-1/2, EXC 1+2 and DIN EN ISO 3834-3.
rotec's underground car park smoke extraction systems and roof hoods are now in use throughout Europe. We deliver lamella walls, facade enclosures, roof hoods, smoke extraction hoods and ventilation grilles for shaft smoke extraction to the greater Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Cologne, Dortmund, Saarbrücken and Stuttgart areas on a weekly basis.